New Release

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What will this book do for you?

1. Provide SAFETY for your thoughts and feelings.

2. Open the door for new EXPERIENCES w/God.

3. Reassure you that you're NOT ALONE and your feelings are VALID!

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    “Be real with God. Tell Him how you feel when you’re in it. Don’t wait until you 'got yourself together'.”
    “He ain’t neva scared! Neva eva, eva, eva! He WILL get on your level, no matter how low or high.”

    Jaimie Cummings


    What you get:



    Part of Chapter One

    One Safe Space (Journal Prompt)

    What is it all about?

    This book marks my 50-day healing journey and how it awakened the ME within me. Personal negligence had me in a place of darkness that I did not realize. I had come to accept the experiences of pain, abuse, neglect, and lack. BUT GOD! He intervened, but not in the way you may think. While I was “living” life headed in a direction that seemed right, God knocked me off my horse. When I say knocked me down?! I mean waaay down, just so I can see what He truly had planned for my life. He wanted me to experience Him, not continuous heartache and sorrow. I looked put together on the outside. Anyone who saw me, saw a woman who was “doing good,” but internally I was on a slow fall to death. While reading you will see my deepest, purest, rawest, most honest thoughts to God that are straight from my prayer journal; dated and time stamped. Whhhhew chiiiiile! I don’t think you’re ready for these thoughts honey! The joy, the pain, the fear, but most of all the EXPERIENCES with God. He provided me with a Safe Space that I didn’t even know I needed. Buckle up because you will have a Safe Space too. This book is also your journal, loaded with prompts to activate new God experiences as you read!

    Have fun on your journey, I know I did!

    Welcome to the Safe Space!

    This will truly be The Epitome of a God Experience!