New Release
What will this book do for you?
1. Provide SAFETY for your thoughts and feelings.
2. Open the door for new EXPERIENCES w/God.
3. Reassure you that you're NOT ALONE and your feelings are VALID!
Part of Chapter One
One Safe Space (Journal Prompt)
This book marks my 50-day healing journey and how it awakened the ME within me. Personal negligence had me in a place of darkness that I did not realize. I had come to accept the experiences of pain, abuse, neglect, and lack. BUT GOD! He intervened, but not in the way you may think. While I was “living” life headed in a direction that seemed right, God knocked me off my horse. When I say knocked me down?! I mean waaay down, just so I can see what He truly had planned for my life. He wanted me to experience Him, not continuous heartache and sorrow. I looked put together on the outside. Anyone who saw me, saw a woman who was “doing good,” but internally I was on a slow fall to death. While reading you will see my deepest, purest, rawest, most honest thoughts to God that are straight from my prayer journal; dated and time stamped. Whhhhew chiiiiile! I don’t think you’re ready for these thoughts honey! The joy, the pain, the fear, but most of all the EXPERIENCES with God. He provided me with a Safe Space that I didn’t even know I needed. Buckle up because you will have a Safe Space too. This book is also your journal, loaded with prompts to activate new God experiences as you read!
Have fun on your journey, I know I did!
Welcome to the Safe Space!
This will truly be The Epitome of a God Experience!